دائرة القبول و التسجيل

Admission and Registration Department

Registration of new Students Instruction


1.Students fill out enrollment request in the department of admission and registration,and they choice the specialization which they want to study it according to available vacancies and delivering the enrollment request with the documents acceptance to the assistant director of admission and registration

2.The assistant manager of admission and registration ensure the necessary doumentation and satisfy the ratifications.

3.Accepted students and they gave auniversity numbers.

4.Students are provided with notice of acceptance that contains the user name and password.

5.Students are provided with astudent guide that contains an internal instruction at the university.

6.Students issuing registration form from the department of admission and registration then they reviewing (acadimic lrader,head of department,dean) to choice the subjects which they want to register,then they reviewing the department of admission and registration to install eletronic schedule to get aprintout and that show the names and numbers of the subjects and numbers halls and times of lectures.

7.Students released university card in the deanship of student affairs.

8.Students submit level exams (arabic,english and computer skills) in arts college service department courses according to time and place,if they infficiency in level exams during the first semester of admission they must register three remedial subjets.

9.Foreign students have to review the deanship of student to complete the treatment of residence and provide them proof of students issued by the department of admission and registration.

10.Students pay the financial fees in the department of finance.

11.Students have to reiewing instructions to grant bachelors` and masters`degrees in isra university which contained in the students guide.

12.Exempted students who have(ICDL)certificate to provide computer skills exam.