أبحاثي في الجامعة

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أبحاثي في الجامعة
Title المجلة/ المؤتمر سنة النشر
Publication Title المجلة/ المؤتمر سنة النشر
Stress management interventions for intensive and critical care nurses: A systematic review Nursing in Critical Care 2020-02-28
Stress management training program for stress reduction and coping improvement in public health nurses: A randomized controlled trial Journal of Advanced Nursing 2020-10-17
Interventions to Improve the Nursing Work Environment of Hospital in Jordan: an Integrative Literature Review Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology 2021-06-01
Effectiveness of stress management interventional programme on occupational stress for nurses: A systematic review Journal of Nursing Management 2020-03-28
Student Nurses Attitudes Towards Using Social Media to Raise the Awareness of their Community about the COVID-19 Pandemic in Jordan Open Public Health Journal 2022-02-04
Quality Of Nursing Care And Its Relationship With Cancer Survivors Satisfaction: A Cross-Sectional Study In Oncology Health Center JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL NEGATIVE RESULTS 2022-10-10
Psychoeducational interventional programme during the COVID-19 pandemic for nurses with severe occupational stress: A randomized controlled trial International Journal of Nursing Practice 2023-01-05
COVID-19 era-related e-learning: a cross-sectional web-scale study of cyberchondria, internet addiction and anxiety-related symptomatology among university nursing students BMJ Open 2023-10-25
Measuring the knowledge and perception of Jordanian health science students towards self-prescribed medications: a descriptive analysis study Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research 2023-11-29
Exploring nurses’ experiences of providing spiritual care to cancer patients: a qualitative study BMC Nursing 2024-03-27
The efficacy of mindfulness-based programs in reducing anxiety among nurses in hospital settings: A systematic review Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing 2024-02-04
Data Mining to Reveal Factors Associated with Quality of life among Jordanian Women with Breast Cancer Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences 2024-01-01
Anxiety sensitivity moderates the relationship between internet addiction and cyberchondria among nurses Journal of Health Psychology 2024-05-01