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November 15-16

Jordanian Chemical Society

The Jordanian chemical society (JCS) was established in 1976, and it is a member in the IUPAC, FACS, and UACS Objectives:

1. Strengthening the relationship among the Jordanian chemists themselves and among their chemist colleagues.
2. Strengthening the relationship among the chemists and institutions.
3. Introduce the role of chemistry to relevant fields of the community.
4. Contribute to supporting scientific research in different fields of chemistry.
5. Contribute to developing chemical education programs for different educational levels.
6. Provide the scientific and technical consultations in the fields of chemistry.
7. Propagate the Jordanian chemists’ activities and performances in the different news media.
8. Communicate with the Arab and international chemistry organizations, institutions, and societies to attain the above stated objectives.
9. Perform activities that promote the chemistry and chemists’ interests and serve specially the Jordan community and the Arab community in general.

Main Activities:
1. Organizing the Jordanian Olympiad.
2. Organizing the Jordanian chemistry conferences
3. Participating in Arab chemistry conferences.
4. Participating in international chemical societies meetings.

Other Activities:
1. Calls for educational and scientific conferences, seminars, lectures, exhabitions and scientific visits, as well as training courses.
2. Issue the periodical publications and pamphlets related to the chemistry science and its applications.
3. Cooperate with local, Arabic and international universities institutes, and chemical industries.
4. Perform activities aimed to support chemical education.
5. Perform social and sport activities.

Administrative Committee:
The administrative committee consists of seven members elected by the general assembly through the secret voting. The duration will be for three years from the date of its election.

Administrative Committee members (2022-2025)
1. Prof. Abeer Al Bawab President
2. Dr. Fadwa Odeh Vice President
3. Manar Shatnawi
4. Dr. Ayat Bozeya
5. Dr. Muna Abu Dalo
6. Dr. Amer Tarawneh
7. Miss Layal Qadoura
8. Dr. Dema Khater