الإشراف على رسائل الماجستير

  Examining the Factors Influencing Distance Learners in Learning Management System (LMS)
نوع المشرف
مشرف رئيسي
تاريخ الاشراف على الرسالة من
اسم الطالب
Mariam Alhudathi
ملخص الرسالة
This work is about the adoption and acceptance of technology and influences the student's behaviors to accept technology in Jordanian universities. Many studies in the past have utilized previously tested models such as the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (TPB), and related to accepting technology. This study presented a theoretical model based on the (TAM) & (TPB) and identifies several factors associated with the incorporation of E-learning among students at Jordanian universities. Factors are necessary conditions in order to increase users' intention to use E-learning applications. In light of the investigation of the hypothetical models, the structure was produced for the examination. The greater part of the examinations observed these factors which are: (the culture of an electronic learning system, uses of electronic learning, benefits of applying electronic learning system, perceived playfulness, and difficulties of using electronic learning) to be a critical and affecting behavioral goals to receive innovation. For the purpose of this work, descriptive research used two methods. First, the data collection methodology would be utilized as a research questionnaire which would be administered, and the details would be collected from students to achieve the research objectives. Second, the data refers to the information which is gathered from various sources such as online journals, previous studies, online magazines, and other sources such as books. In this study, the research instrument used is classified into two segments. The first one is about the broad questions which include the demographic details of the participants who participated in this study. A total of 425 research questionnaires were distributed among the students in four different universities in Jordan to gather the information required. The second one comprises items that are based on the several factors identified in the literature review. Keywords: Learning Management System, Fundamental of Programming, learning portal, MOODLE.