
المؤتمر:  Conference on Cooperative Higher Education (CORE conference)
مكان انعقاد المؤتمر
Amman- Dead Sea
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The Conference on Cooperative Higher Education (CORE conference) is the first conference on the application of a cooperative approach to higher education programs in Jordan. The central element of this approach is the joint organization of an entire program or a large part of it in close cooperation between an education institution and the respective industry, with students dividing their study between academic and work periods, closely coordinated to form a “work integrated” practical curriculum. Cooperative Education has a long and successful global history in Vocational Education and Training (VET) and in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). The concept of cooperative study programs was first introduced at the University of Cincinnati in 1906, since then replicated in numerous universities and colleges throughout the US and Canada and adapted in 1974 for German Higher Education in the form of “Dual Study Programs” in Baden-Wuerttemberg (www.dhbw.de). The German concept is most successful in technical and business programs, but also applied to health and social sciences and is typically offered either by specialized institutions or by Universities of Applied Sciences. On the global level, the World Association for Cooperative Education (WACE - https://www.waceinc.org/) aims at joining all HEI offering work integrated education and at advancing the underlying pedagogy, research and inter-institutional cooperation. The CORE Conference will focus on Higher Education (undergraduate programs and Master programs) and provide comprehensive information on the principles of cooperative higher education, the commonalities with Dual TVET and a wealth of experience with key practical and theoretical issues towards quality assurance and management. Presentations and workshops will include experience from Europe, with a focus on Germany, regional experience such as from Palestine and first implementations in Jordan and also give an outlook on global developments and cooperation opportunities. The conference will be conducted in the framework of the MOVE-HET project. MOVE-HET is a GIZ project supporting labor market oriented education, higher education and training. Intended participants at the conference are representatives of Jordanian and regional universities, private sector companies and public sector institutions interested in participating in cooperative study programs, students and prospective students, representatives of the education sector as well as donor organizations and projects willing to support Jordan’s efforts to evolve towards a more practical oriented and thereby labor market-oriented higher education