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Department of Physics - Sciences Faculty

The department of physics was established at the beginning of the academic year 2015/2016. This stemmed from Isra University’s keen interest in the basic sciences as essential to the development of other fields of science. The department has five faculty members who hold Ph.D. degrees in various experimental and theoretical fields that cover the essential aspects of physics. Isra University has been keen to prepare advanced educational laboratories for all stages of the bachelor's degree comparable to those in prestigious universities. The bachelor degree study plan is designed to link physics with technology, industry and other sciences , so that the program graduates are well equipped for any line of work they choose to pursue.

Excellence in learning and teaching physics, conducting scientific research and serving the community in the field of physics.

Produce graduates who are qualified theoretically and practically in the field of physics by providing a stimulating educational and research environment to meet the needs of the job market.


  • Prepare graduates who are able to employ their theoretical and practical skills to meet the needs of the labor market.
  • Develop students' skills in scientific thinking and problem-solving in the fields of physics and their applications.
  • Develop the skills of critical thinking and scientific research among the students.
  • Encourage faculty members to conduct research in the field of physics.
  • Activate community service through voluntary programs carried out by students and faculty members.


  • The student should comprehend the mathematical concepts and notations that are essential for understanding physics.
  • Develop the scientific communication skills, both writing and oral, and be able to work independently
  • Develop professionalism in students so that they can hold responsibilities and always develop their skills
  • Develop the skills of analytical critical thinking to understand classical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and thermodynamics, so that the student is able to explain related natural phenomena
  • Employ modern knowledge of measurement and its analysis to give scientifically sound conclusions from a given set of measurements

Course Study Plan:
The bachelor's degree program consists of 133 credit hours.  Of these, 66 are compulsory hours of the specialization, 12 are elective hours of the specialization (chosen by the student based on his desire and future inclinations), and 6 are compulsory hours of the specialization support requirements, in which the student learns communication and programming skills.

Student Activities:
 The Department is keen on motivating and encouraging students to participate in extracurricular activities carried out by the department, like trips to factories and research centers. It also encourages the students to participate in extracurricular activities carried out by the faculty of science, such as the scientific day and the scientific conferences, and activities at the university level through the deanship of student affairs, such as activities related to community service.

Future Plans
The department plans to establish relations with factories to link physics with industry, and intends to provide distinguished services to the local community, especially schools near the university. The department also plans to establish research laboratories to enable faculty members to conduct their research.